About us
eccentric clothes that like minded fashionista’s not only wanted but needed.
Also solve a problem of a one stop shop with different fabrics and designs from
around the world.🌎
The year was 2003, as a child I would always dress different. Make my own
stylish trends. I once had baby blue corduroy pants that were my absolute
favorite in middle school! In high school I made my own unique top. I used a
regular v-shaped black t-shirt and put an assortment of buttons around the
collar, sleeves, and, bottom of shirt. I wore it to school and got many
compliments! Later on somewhere around 2009 I got my first camera.
Photography quickly grew into a passion of my mind (Being a model definitely
boosted the interest too). You know that thing that makes you happy, like this is
what I'm suppose to be doing? The two things I love and vested in, to bring
unison in this brand. Shop Kountess Alexander World Vibesz (shopkawv) is
forever growing. If you would like to collaborate or have any questions at all you
can reach me at info@shopkawv.com
xoxoKountess Alexander